We have been busy in the studio recording our third EP 'Undertone of Violence'.
This EP will be our first recording to have Chris on and we have been really looking forward to finally put this together as a complete trio.

The idea for the title of this EP 'Undertone of Violence' refers to many things. All of which can be linked by the same undiagnosed, ignored or otherwise undetectable thread of negativity, toxicity or violence. I'm referring to instances that appear acceptable or innocent enough on the surface but carry a heavier consequence.
For example, buying a nicely packaged dairy product hides a hellish string of events in its production, including (but not limited to) r*pe, k*dnap and m*rder of animals. A cycle and industry supported and perpetuated by the consumer.
Another example could be depression or anxiety disorder. You may present to be fine, but you know something is eroding you from the inside, the feeling of impending doom and dread like an unsettling drone that only you can hear.
It could be street harassment. There is a more sinister narrative implied with 'cat calling', a threat hidden under the words often signed off with a closing remark of 'I was only joking, love' when challenged.
My last example is the word 'tradition' as it is often the first excuse made in order to justify behavior we know deep down is wrong. Just because something is considered traditional doesn't mean it is morally acceptable. Hunting and bull fighting are examples of huge acts of cruelty that people still support with the excuse of tradition.
Our song 'Call off the search' is a heart-and-soul-felt emotional account from the perspective of a fox that is being hunted for 'sport' in the name of tradition.

This EP offers two invitations to it's listeners. The first is to be conscious and conscientious of the undertone of violence in different aspects of our lives and and how are we to respond to this. The second, is to allow for healing. An important journey for me lyrically for this EP meant wading through grief and trauma in order to rebuild the pieces of myself that had been taken from me or I had allow myself to lose along the way. I feel like this EP has been of great healing for me and I hope it can be for others too. I feel prouder and more ferocious than ever. We have all grown a lot in the last 18 months and you can hear that in this EP. It's honest, it's powerful and its personal.

The past few months of playing these songs at our shows has shown me that they resonate with many of you and that both breaks my heart and puts it back together again. Thank you for continuing to support us, coming to our shows, wearing our merch and singing along to our songs. We have a really exciting 2025 coming and we really look forward to sharing it with you
'Undertone of Violence' will be out on vinyl and streaming platforms this spring!
Please pre-order your copy now!